First of all, my character was electra;the godess of Thunder.
Her story Mainly focuses on her life, and reflects on her personality. Four Distinctive houses been designed based on her characteristic behaviours and her attitudes towards the infinitive world. Thses four houses has been designed one after another to percieve the differences between the digital to analogue through thinking.
The First house hase been designed in Sketchup which focuses on the character's angry and uncontrollable behaviour.

The Second Design Is a white card modul, this one has been modified to reflect more on characteristic essence of Electra. Although this design has been deriven from the first one, but now it has refined and been simplified to suit the character's look and electrifing emotions.

In The Third Design, the Second house (above); considered to be part of the third design but in a more simpler version as to resemble more of a house than a sculpture. it has more interactive spaces, different symmetrical spaces and Different levels within the house for the occupants.

FOURTH Design. The fourth design is a card modul. This one constitudes all the aspects of the character and a complete design solution derived from the 3rd house (above). This Comlete design solution offers more flexibility, interactions within the house, Big Open Spaces and large fenestrations which allows spectacular views of the horizons.
As you can see, Complete Design Solutions can be achieved by combining Technology and manual hand work through thinking and analysing concepts and ideas, it is not only the way of how designs been arranged for us to percieve its wonders, but also it is the way of how we can exprese stories, emotions and characteristics of anything through combining Digital and Analogue technics.
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